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Adult Volunteers


The Naval Sea Cadet Corps Officer Corps provides adult leadership for cadets of the Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) and the Navy League Cadet Corps (NLCC). NSCC officers are dedicated volunteers who instruct cadets, operate units and escort cadets when participating in events away from their home unit. Officers may either be civilians or military (active, reserve or retired) who are knowledgeable of youth and interested in their training. Instructors are also recruited from active Reserve military commands and leaders within the community. Members of the Naval Reserve may qualify for drill credit and active duty for training orders (ADT) for participating in NSCC/NLCC activities. The NSCC does not require specific education or professional qualifications, but applicants with nautical/military experience are desired. NSCC officers are authorized to wear Navy officer uniforms (modified by the NSCC insignia). All NSCC officers are appointed by NSCC National Headquarters.


Membership Requirements


In order to join the NSCC Officer Corps applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a US Citizen or foreign nationals can present a Permanent Resident Card at time of enrollment.

  • Be at least 21 years old (NSCC Midshipmen 18-21).

  • Pass a criminal background check.

  • Be free of felony convictions.

  • Adult applicants must be in good health commensurate with their age group and be free from any ailment or condition that would prevent them from satisfactorily performing their primary duty of supervising youth. NOTE: Adults not physically qualified to perform all duties may still participate with a waiver from NHQ considering the parameters of their expected contribution to the NSCC program.


If you are interested in becoming an adult volunteer, please email Include your full name and appropriate contact information. Please indicate if you are a current parent of a cadet or if you have prior Sea Cadet experience. 




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