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Sea Cadet Advancement


To advance to the next rank, Sea Cadets must spend a certain time in their current rank, complete listed coursework (book learning), and take certain trainings (in-person learning). To advance in some of the higher ranks, Cadets must additionally pass exams.

Requirements to Advance to Next Rank

NSCC Advance chart.JPG


To Promote from E-1 Recruit (AR) to E-2(AA):

When New Cadets join, they hold the rank of E-1 Recruit. Because many cadets join early in the year and are not able to go to RT until later, an Recruit can promote to E2-Temporary  (AA-T) by completing 2 of the 3: E-1 coursework, E-2 coursework, and Recruit Training.

To promote from E1 Recruit to E2 Airman Apprentice (AA), cadets must go to Recruit Training (RT), and complete both the  E-1 and E-2 PAC coursework. Cadets may be advanced to Airman Apprentice (E2) when the following requirements are met:

1)  Complete E-1 Seaman Recruit Indoctrination AND E-2 Seaman Apprentice Course in Polaris Advancement Coursework (PAC) .

2)  Pass the Physical Readiness Test (PRT) within the previous six months.

3)  Attend Recruit Training (RT) - NOTE: to qualify to attend a Recruit Training, you must complete the E-1 Seaman Recruit Indoctrination course in Polaris listed in #1 above.

4)  Serve a minimum of 3 months Time in Service (TIS) as an NSCC Cadet (from joining as a Recruit).


To promote in rank from E2 Airman Apprentice (AA)  to E3 Airman (AN):

Although the coursework is entitled “Seamen,” Cadets in FD Roosevelt are “Airmen” because we are a squadron and on an air base. After completing E-1 PAC, Cadets can promote to first become an Airmen Apprentice, then they can promote to full Airmen.  Airmen rank earns the Cadet their first level of leadership opportunities as may be time to time conferred by their higher ranking petty officers.

Cadets may be advanced to Airman (E3) when the following requirements are met:

1) Complete the E-3 Airman (or Seaman) Apprentice Polaris Advancement Course (PAC)

2) Complete one Advanced Training. (For information on Trainings click here)

3) Pass the Physical Readiness Test (PRT) within the previous six months.

4) *Serve a minimum of 6 months Time in Grade (TIG) as an Apprentice (E2).

*Please note that time in rate as an E2T counts toward the satisfaction of this requirement.

5) Serve a minimum of 9 months Time in Service (TIS) as a Sea Cadet (from joining as a Recruit).


When Cadets have completed the Airman rank, they can then work to advance to Petty Officer Third Class (“P03”), the junior-most petty officer rank.  From there, Cadets can advance to Second and First Class (P02, P01).  With advancement to these ranks comes additional leadership duties and responsibilities.

Airman to PO3 – Petty Officer 3rd Class (PO3)

To promote in rank from E3 to E4:

Cadets may be advanced to Petty Officer Third Class (E4) when the following requirements are met:

1) Complete assignments for Petty Officer Third Class in Polaris.

2) Take and pass the Petty Officer 3rd Class Examination.

3) Complete one Advanced Training.

4) Pass the Physical Readiness Test (PRT) within the previous six months. 

5) Serve a minimum of 6 months Time in Grade (TIG) as a Seaman (E3).

6) Serve a minimum of 15 months Time in Service (TIS) as a Sea Cadet (from joining as a Recruit).

Petty Officer 3rd Class (PO3) to Petty Officer 2nd Class

To promote in rank from E4 to E5:

Cadets may be advanced to Petty Officer Second Class (E5) when the following requirements are met:

1) Complete assignments Petty Officer Second Class in Polaris.  

2) Pass the Petty Officer Second Class Examination

3) Complete Petty Officer Leadership Academy (POLA) while a Seaman (SN) or PO3. If POLA was used to satisfy the training requirement for advancement to PO3, another NHQ-approved training must be completed. 

4) Pass the Physical Readiness Test (PRT) within the previous six months. 

5) Serve a minimum of 6 months Time in Grade (TIG) as a Petty Officer Third Class (PO3).

6) Serve a minimum of 21 months Time in Service (TIS) as a Sea Cadet (from joining as a Recruit).

Petty Officer 2nd Class to Petty Officer 1st Class

To promote in rank from E5 to E6:

Cadets may be advanced to Petty Officer First Class (E6) when the following requirements are met:

1) Complete assignments for Petty Officer First Class. 

2) Pass the Petty Officer First Class Examination.

3) Complete one NHQ-approved advanced training.  

4) Pass the Physical Readiness Test (PRT) within the previous six months. 

5) Serve a minimum of 6 months Time in Grade (TIG) as a Petty Officer Second Class (PO2).

6) Serve a minimum of 27 months Time in Service (TIS) as a Sea Cadet (from joining as a Recruit).

Petty Officer 1st Class to Chief Petty Officer

Cadets achieving PO1 are eligible to seek advancement to Chief Petty Officer (“CPO”).  Accomplishment of this advancement requires dedication and hard work.  In addition to class work, physical fitness and minimum age, CPO candidates must also have attended POLA and be accepted and serve as a Staff Cadet at either an NSCC Recruit Training or an NLCC Orientation Training as well as attend an Advanced Training. It is recommended that those seeking to promote to CPO apply to serve as a Staff Cadet during their PO1 summer.  This will also serve as a eligible Advanced Training for PO1.

To promote in rank from E6 to E7:

Cadets may be advanced to Chief Petty Officer (E7) when the following requirements are met:

1)  Complete coursework for Chief Petty Officer. 

2)  Complete Staff Cadet Duty in a leadership position at either NSCC Recruit Training or NLCC Basic Orientation after the completion of Petty Officer Leadership Academy (POLA). If Staff Cadet Duty was used to satisfy the training requirement for advancement to PO1, another Advanced Training must be completed.

3) Pass Physical Readiness Test (PRT) in past 6 months. 

4) Have reached at least 16 years of age. 

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