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Saturday, June 19** – 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

FDR Unit Offices




TO: PARENTS – If your cadet is attending ANY summer training and you have not already received your sealed Service Jacket (cadet file), you MUST come by the office on this date to finalize your Medical History documents and any remaining documentation and uniform issues. Thank you to all who attended the Parent Training Session and completed your initial documentation – this will complete the paperwork. For those who were unable to attend the earlier sessions, we will work to complete all outstanding documents at this time. After all has been approved and all signatures and documents confirmed – you will receive your cadet’s sealed Service Jacket – your cadet MUST have this to check in to their training. This includes Staff Cadets.


To receive your sealed Service Jacket to present to training, we will verify:


DOCUMENTS: Your cadet must have all required documentation, each one within the prescribed date period, signed and in your cadet’s Service Jacket (file). Many of you have already completed several forms but remember – several documents cannot be signed more than 30 days from the start of training. We appreciate your understanding for these rules – they are required by our national office for every training.


  1. All NSCTNG001 Request for Training Authority and final orders are signed by the parent and CO and in your file as required to check in to the training;

  2. COVID Attestation Form – a signed form must be in the file dated within 14 days of training. EXCEPT Camp Blanding attendees – the Attestation form will be executed at check-in.

  3. Medical Documents – a reminder – there are THREE different medical forms always associated with the Sea Cadets: the Medical History form, the Medical History “Supplemental” form, and the Medical Exam form. For training you will need:

    1. A signed Medical History form dated within 30 days of start of training. (Ex. Camp Blanding starts on July 10th so your Medical History must be dated and signed AFTER June 10).

    2. If your cadet must be administered any prescription medication daily or while at the training, you MUST have a signed Medical History Supplemental form signed and dated by a healthcare professional within 30 days of the start of training (Ex. Camp Blanding starts on July 10th so your Medical History Supplemental must be dated and signed AFTER June 10);

    3. Your cadet will only need a new physical (Medical Exam) if it will be more than 365 days old at the start of training. All have been notified who are in need of this requirement but if you are uncertain, email for confirmation.


EQUIPMENT, UNIFORMS, RANK/RIBBONS:  We will check the following:

  1. We will check all uniform items to make sure your cadet has everything they need. All uniforms, sea bags and any missing uniform items that were on order have been received. Many of you did not get a sea bag – we expect that to be in by the 19th and you can come in and get it at this session.

  2. We will check to make sure they have all name tapes, unit “USNSCC” and “USNLCC” tapes, ribbons, awards, and rank are properly updated.

  3. ​

WHAT TO BRING TO OPEN OFFICE HOURS:  Those attending…bring your CADET and -

  • Recruit Training and Navy League Orientation -- Bring your entire Sea Bag (NWU, dress whites included) so we can do a final check of all uniforms. Bring all name/unit sew-on or velcro tapes issued to you if they have not been affixed to a uniform yet. Navy League – bring all name/unit sew-on or velcro tapes if they have not been affixed to a uniform yet, and bring your NWU and your “salt and pepper” dress uniform so we can do a final check.

  • Advanced Trainings and Staff Cadets – bring any uniform items you need to replace and your ribbon rack.


We will have extra copies of the most recent Welcome Letters and sea bag lists from your trainings for your convenience.

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